Finding a course can be difficult for a number of reasons. The more commonly stated issues that are reflected by many prospective students are:
- Is the course accredited
- Will I be able to practice with confidence
- Does my tutor have the necessary skill and experience
- Will the course help me to energetically heal myself and others
- Is the course leading on to further development or learning
Energy Medicine International (EMI) is a school member of The Federation of Subtle Energy Medicine. This is a UK Standards Setting Organisation for teaching and practice of Crystal & Energy Healing and Subtle Energy Medicine. Modalities of energy healing that are profound as well as highly enjoyable to practice.
The Federation of Subtle Energy Medicine (FSEM) has been involved in setting and maintaining training and practicing standards for these therapies for over 25 years. The focus is upon protecting the public and integrity of the therapies that member schools teach.
As principal of EMI I have followed a rigorous path of both undergraduate and post-graduate training, as well as being trained to teach energy work to a deep level. School accreditation takes many years of dedication and practice, so as to ensure students get the best training that is possible through the school at that point in time.
EMI’s FSEM Accreditation means that the course includes key techniques and knowledge in relation to the subjects taught. This means that practitioners qualify with confidence to practice and are affective in their energy work.
Throughout the course the accreditation also ensures that as a school I offer insight into self healing as well as follows a direction that will enable graduates to go on to further development and training if they wish to.
For more information about FSEM please click here